Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Monkey Music Magic

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge is a great adventure game, in fact one of the finest point and clickers I have ever experienced. But what really blew me away wasn't the beautiful pixel art or the fantastic pirate setting and humour - it was the music which really got to me. Land, McConnell and Bajakian made such an infectious soundtrack that is constantly intertwining and bewitching my ears. Normally it is only JRPGs that have music which get me excited, maybe because the compositions are more considered. Although I did go through a period of soundtracking my outdoor runs to the Gradius V OST.

Monkey Island 2 felt like an inventive sequel with the spitting contests and voodoo dolling. Although I preferred Ghost LeChuck to Zombie LeChuck as he seemed a somewhat less threatening opponent this time round. Maybe it was the fact - one that Guybrush often recounts - that we'd already defeated LeChuck in the first game. The island hopping was a nice feature, but for a pirate game I did feel a little let down by the lack of time you actually spend on a ship.

The ending was an interesting twist - one that I will not spoil here - but considering the lukewarm reputation of the next games in the series I don't feel in any rush to find out what happens next. I can see why the first two Monkey Island games have such a positive reputation, and considering all their faults they still hold up really well in the modern gaming age.

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