Thursday, 2 July 2015

Uncharted's Headshot Problem

It has been a while since my last update, a lot of real-life things have got in the way such as a new role at work and the restarting of my home studies. Whilst I have been busy I have been keeping up with my gaming and I finally started the Uncharted series - the first game, Uncharted Drake’s Fortune. I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while being a big fan of Naughty Dog and was hoping for Indiana Jones-flavoured proto-Last of Us style romp.

Hmm… I was a little let down to be honest but the game has many great points.

The setting, story, character and voice acting were top draw for me. As a fan of 1980s action movies this film hit all the beats perfectly, without being too drenched in irony. It was fun and exciting, and Drake is at his best when bickering with his allies and enemies. On playing though I realised how much the rebooted Tomb Raider ripped this game off (and improved many things by some margin), but for a game of its age Uncharted  holds up really well, especially in the looks department.

What really let the game down for me was the incessant shooting sections. It felt like: climb up a cliff/shoot some bad guys, solve a puzzle/shoot some bad guys, turn a corner/shoot some bad guys, blink/ shoot some bad guys. Every 10 meters it felt like I stepped into an ambush - that grew old very fast. Also headshots seemed to have no effect so you had to pump about 4-5 shots into someone’s HEAD before they finally dropped. It grew very repetitive having to shoot enemies a set number of times. The puzzles also were far too simple and too few. Uncharted almost started to feel like an on-rails shooter than an exploration adventure/action game at times.

So I was a little disappointed. Maybe I hoped for too much. I’m told the other games improve the game mechanics, but I might give it a little break before returning to the series.

Next up is Mass Effect 2, now there’s something that shouldn’t let me down!

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